Optimisation of "covid tracing" forms via covidtracing.public.lu

In order to simplify and speed up contact with the Contact Tracing team, the tracing procedure via the declaration forms has been optimised.

People who have tested positive for COVID-19 and people who have had close contact with a COVID+ tested person can now fill in the declaration forms online on the dedicated website of the Health Inspectorate covidtracing.public.lu or via the covid19.lu website. 

This link (covidtracing.public.lu) is also sent directly via SMS to those who tested positive for COVID-19. They can then transfer the link with their reference number to their high-risk contacts.

By filling in the forms, you facilitate the work of the Contact Tracing team. The participation in contact tracing will help to better control the pandemic.  

As a reminder:

  • If you have been tested positive for COVID-19: You must immediately go into self-isolation, without waiting for a call from the Contact Tracing team. The Contact Tracing team has been informed of your result. While waiting for their call, you can help them trace and identify people who have had high-risk contact with you by filling in the declaration form via the link covidtracing.public.lu or via www.covid19.lu. You will receive an isolation order, which can be used as a certificate of incapacity for work (certificat d'incapacité de travailC - CIT).
  • If you've been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19: You must self-quarantine. To receive a quarantine prescription, which can be used as a certificate of incapacity for work (CIT), as well as a COVID-19 PCR test prescription, you must fill in the declaration form via the link covidtracing.public.lu or via www.covid19.lu. You must indicate the first and last name of the positive person as well as the reference number of the file the COVID-19 positive person provided you. 

You will find more information on www.covid19.lu, including how to organise your self-isolation and self-quarantine.


Press release by the Ministry of Health

Last update